Open call for participants — TOT Make Peace

trainings of trainers in peace education

Youth Peace Ambassadors
5 min readNov 20, 2023

Training 1

‘Connecting Dots’. TOT on non-formal education and peacebuilding skills development, in Evian, France, 23rd February -1st March 2024

Training 2

‘Peace by You[th]’. TOT on peacebuilding and conflict transformation, in Jablanica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2nd-9th May, 2024

👧 We are looking for 30 participants from Poland, France, Spain, Greece, Germany, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Turkey and
the Netherlands.

🌳🏡 Venue:

Training 1: Evian-les-bains, France (23 February — 1 March, 2024)

Training 2: Jablanica, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2–9 May 2024)

🗓️ Dates: Arrival on February 23rd and departure on March 1st of 2024

Deadline for application: December 4th 2023

⌨️ Link to apply → Apply here

❗️This is a project with 2-training activities. By joining you are committed to taking part in both training sessions❗️


Why does this project take place?

In the times like these, when European continent is facing another open armed conflict and violence keeps escalating, not only between countries, but also on regional, local and personal level, when peaceful and nonviolent solutions seem to be hardly reachable, believing in power of education and providing peace education is what can support and foster those peaceful and nonviolent solutions.Being youth workers and working with young people from all over Europe we see that there is a need to address those challenges to human rights and peace culture.

If becoming a peace-builder and running human rights and peace education activities has been something you always dreamed about — this is a chance for you!


To equip trainers, educators, activists and youth workers with the training skills that are required to be a trainer in high quality peace education activities by experiential learning and non formal education methods and running educational activities with, for and by young people, with the special focus on further understanding peacebuilding and conflict transformation methods.


- To develop participants’ competences to design, run and evaluate non-formal education and training activities in the field of peace education at European and local level;
- To develop participants’ skills in project management and implementation related to peace and human rights education;
- To explore connection between peace education, human rights and non-formal methods;
- To develop participants` understanding of concepts of peace and peace education at personal,interpersonal and institutional level;
- To create a space for participants to exercise their gained facilitation skills and implement them during local workshops;
- To facilitate a process of planning at least 10 local workshops related to peace education;
- To explore peacebuilding tools important in peace education, such as nonviolent communication, mediation, active listening, emotional literacy and empathy;
- To gain awareness on the importance of nonviolent conflict resolution by getting familiar with a concept of nonviolence and ways to incorporate it into the peace education;
- To gain knowledge on different conflict management, resolution and transformation methods;
- To support participants to learn how to guide and facilitate intercultural processes in peace education settings.

⚠️ This is a project with two training activities. By applying you are committing to taking part in both trainings


We are looking for:

  • 18–35 year old (if you are a youth worker — apply no matter of your age range)
  • who is living in one of these countries: Poland, France, Spain, Greece, Germany, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Turkey and
    the Netherlands (you don’t need to hold passport of those countries, you need to live there)
  • Youth workers or youth leaders that work with youth in their communities
  • people active as trainers or educators in non–formal education, especially within youth organizations and associations
  • young people who believe in peaceful changes in their communities are passionate about issues facing their community
  • people with experience or interest in conflict resolution or transformation, human rights, peacebuilding and youth work
  • able to communicate in English (this the language of the trainings)
  • ready to commit to take part in two trainings of this project & to run a local workshop


The training courses will be based on the principles of non-formal education.

We will implement the basic elements of the non-formal education, such as the education being voluntary, organized with educational objectives, participatory and learner-centered, about learning life skills and preparing for active citizenship, based on involving both individual and group learning with a collective approach, holistic and process-oriented, as well as based on experience and action (we will plan the follow-up activities) and starts from the needs of the participants.

Basically is a peer-to-peer (you teach & learn from others) approach :)


We believe in one thing, the power of peace education and the right for all to have an opportunity. That is why, thanks to the ERASMUS+ scheme, we are able to provide this training for you for FREE.

We will be able to reimburse you for your travel to Evian with a limit of:

  • France — 180 euros;
  • Greece , Cyprus, Turkey— 360 euros;
  • Germany, Poland, Kosovo, Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, The Netherlands — 275 euros;
  • If you choose green travel (train, carpooling,boat etc.), we will try to support you with a higher reimbursement.

And a bit about ourselves 👇
Youth Peace Ambassadors Network

The majority of the members of the network are trained on human rights, non-formal education, and conflict transformation by the Council of Europe in the long-term project (2011–2014).

Our Mission: The YPA Network wants to develop a culture of peace by empowering young people, and promoting human rights, dignity, equality, and respect for diversity through education, advocacy, and other non-violent actions through projects at the local and international levels.

Follow us on 👉🏿 INSTAGRAM👈🏾

Youth Peace Ambassadors Network France

The activities of the organization focus on 3 main areas: human rights in general, peacebuilding and conflict transformation. YPAN France works with international experts, youth workers, and human rights activists in order to provide a new way to transform society, from local to global.

DEADLINE — December 4 2023


Write to this e-mail with the Subject: “TOT Make Peace”

Make Peace is a project financed by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme.

The content of the page represents the views of the author only and is their sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.



Youth Peace Ambassadors

The YPA Network is an informal network of 114 youth leaders and peacebuilders, from diverse backgrounds working for peace.