“Road to a Gender Equal World”
Training Course on the Prevention of Gender Inequalities and Gender-Based Discrimination via Embracing Healthier Masculinities
When: 27th April — 3rd May 2024 (including travel days)
Where Osnabrück, Germany
👧 We are looking for 25 participants residing in:
Germany, France, Türkiye, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Kosovo, Poland
🌳🏡 Venue: Osnabrück, Jugendbildungsstätte Saerbeck
🗓️ Dates: 27th April — 3rd May, 2024 — including travel dates
⏳Deadline for application: 4th of February
‼️If you are from Türkiye, for Visa reasons, please apply before 26.01.2024‼️
⌨️ Link to apply → apply HERE
Why does this project take place?
“We hardly ever talk of men as individuals. We lump them together as a universal base form for all of humanity — for all of mankind when they are also constructed by social norms”. Victoire Tuaillon on masculinities.
The existing patriarchal system enforces existing inequalities and puts a lot of pressure on all genders. We often talk about gender inequalities, violence against women* (note: * in the application we refer to all individuals identifying as man or woman, with no account of their biological sex), pay gap, restriction to the private sphere and other strong issues affecting women*. Patriarchal social norms are also affecting men, however, it is a lot rarer to find narratives about the negative effects on them. The overwhelming pressure to be strong, to “be a man”, and the forgiveness to express one’s emotions are elements contributing to creating oppressive behaviours and fostering gender-based violence.
Such a system leads to gender inequalities, whereas it is gender equality which is at the very heart of human rights and peaceful values. It is legally protected in all the systems of human rights protection: universal, European and also national levels.
As young peacebuilders, we aim to create a more just, peaceful and sustainable world. This entails addressing schemes of domination and submission, naturally including relations between genders. Through this project, we would like to address the topic of gender equality from a different angle: social norms negatively affect men. Masculinity as it is constructed today is a source of oppression, violence, pressure, stigmatisation and discrimination; this is why we have decided to see the prism from this angle.
AIM: With this project, we aim to develop the competencies of 25 youth workers and youth leaders in the field of prevention of gender inequalities and gender-based discrimination affecting young people by analysing local realities, exchanging practices and developing actions aimed at the promotion of a society inclusive for all genders.
-To develop participants’ understanding of terms crucial for addressing gender inequalities such as gender, human rights, peace, peace education, emotional literacy, masculinity and feminity, gender roles, practices of consent, emotional labour, workplace discrimination, and intervention against gender-based discrimination;
-To map harmful behaviours and causes of gender inequalities (based on the root-causes method) and how they affect young people;
-To develop competencies in developing healthier masculinities for the self and others, etc. and addressing gender equality by exploring perspectives of human rights, peacebuilding and democratic participation, including the legal framework of gender equality protection
-To explore and practice tools to address gender inequalities, such as emotional literacy, non-violent communication, non-violent activism, gender mainstreaming, alternative behaviours, and deconstruction of gender roles as well as the principle of inclusivity.
-To gain skills to build ongoing relationships with peer accountability by providing a supportive place to reflect upon, process and express emotion
-To develop respect for multiple identities and experiences of masculinity and femininity
-To enhance international cooperation of participants and their organisation in the area of gender equality, by planning at least 10 local or cross-border actions focussing on deconstructing toxic masculinity, gender roles and gender-based discrimination and violence;
-To strengthen the sustainability of the network of young peacebuilders who will bring awareness to the citizens and policy-makers in the EU and neighbouring countries on the existing gender inequalities and ways to address them.
We are looking for participants who are:
- aged 18–35 years old (if you are a youth worker — apply no matter your age range)
- who are living in one of these countries:
Germany, France, Türkiye, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Kosovo, Poland
(you don’t need to hold a passport to those countries, you just need to live there) - youth workers or youth leaders that work with youth in their communities
- people active within youth organisations and associations, or working with their communities and other young people
- young people who believe in peaceful changes in their communities are passionate about issues facing their community
- people with experience or interest in feminism, gender equality, inclusion, diversity, queerness and youth work
- able to communicate in English (this is the language of the trainings)
- ready to commit to taking part in this project & potentially to run a local workshop
The training courses will be based on the principles of non-formal education.
We will implement the basic elements of non-formal education, such as the education being voluntary, organized with educational objectives, participatory and learner-centred, about learning life skills and preparing for active citizenship, based on involving both individual and group learning with a collective approach, holistic and process-oriented, as well as based on experience and action (we will plan the follow-up activities) and starts from the needs of the participants.
Basically is a peer-to-peer (you teach & learn from others) approach :)
What are the costs?💸💸💸
We believe in one thing, the power of peace education and the right for all to have an opportunity. That is why, thanks to the ERASMUS+ scheme, we are able to provide this training for you for FREE: travels will be reimbursed after the project (within the limit of reasonable prices fixed by the European Commission), and accommodations and meals provided.
And a bit about ourselves 👇
The “Road to a Gender Equal World: Training Course on the Prevention of Gender Inequalities and Gender-Based Discrimination via Embracing Healthier Masculinities” is designed and implemented by the Youth Peace Ambassadors Network and planIMPACT — Verein für Menschenrechte, Frieden und Entwicklung e.V. within the support of the German National Agency of the Erasmus Plus Programme.
Youth Peace Ambassadors Network
The majority of the members of the network are trained on human rights, non-formal education, and conflict transformation by the Council of Europe in the long-term project (2011–2014).
Our Mission: The YPA Network wants to develop a culture of peace by empowering young people, and promoting human rights, dignity, equality, and respect for diversity through education, advocacy, and other non-violent actions through projects at the local and international levels.
planIMPACT e.V. — Verein für Menschenrechte, Frieden und Entwicklung
planIMPACT e.V. is a Germany-based non-profit, non-governmental organisation. Our mission is to develop a culture of peace by promoting human rights, peace and democracy, stand up for the reduction of prejudices and a free and equal society and set an active beacon against any form of discrimination by empowering young individuals and raising their knowledge and capacities in different areas.
Follow us on 👉🏿planIMPACT INSTAGRAM👈🏾 👉🏿planIMPACT FACEBOOK👈🏾
Application process!
✨Click HERE to apply and fill in the form.✨
DEADLINE: Apply until the 4th of February
If you are from Türkiye and need a Visa, please apply before 26.01.2024
If you have any questions write to this e-mail with the Subject: “Road to a Gender Equal World” to: genderequalworld-ypan@planimpact.de
Road to a Gender Equal World is a project financed by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme.
The content of the page represents the views of the author only and is their sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for the use that may be made of the information it contains.